Quick Start

pycart is a Python library that allows the generation of Cartograms from a given GeoPandas GeoDataFrame. The library is designed around a single Cartogram class, with the generation algorithms being methods of said class.


Creating a Cartogram begins with ensuring that your GeoDataFrame has the following key fields:

ID Field
Some identifier field e.g. Name, ISO Code
Value Field
Data to generate the cartogram around e.g. Population, GDP
Geometry Field
Geometry of the regions to modify

The following code snippets use the following data. The Geometry field has been shortened for brevity; but you can download the full 5MB data file here.

Geometry Name Population
MULTIPOLYGON (((...))) ENGLAND 56550138
MULTIPOLYGON (((...))) WALES 3169586

Loading data into Cartogram

Now that we have a dataset, we can load it into a GeoDataFrame and supply it to the Cartogram class.

from pycart import cartogram
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd

df = pd.read_csv("path/to/regions_pop.csv") # Load CSV into a regular DataFrame
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df).set_crs('EPSG:3857') # Convert into a GeoDataFrame

# Load data into a Cartogram generator
cart = cartogram.Cartogram(gdf, value_field="Population", id_field="Name", geometry_field="Geometry")

Generating a simple Cartogram

After creating a Cartogram object, we can now generate a cartogram. In this case, we use the Cartogram.non_contiguous method on the cart made in the previous example.

from pycart import cartogram

cart = cartogram.Cartogram(gdf, value_field="Population", id_field="Name", geometry_field="Geometry")
non_con = cart.non_contiguous(position='centroid', size_value=1.0)

The non_con object is a new GeoDataFrame containing the same records as in gdf, with an added scale column, which determines the scaling applied to each region.

Plotting a Cartogram

We can now plot the returned cartogram using matplotlib; in this example, we plot the original regions in white, and the newly scaled regions in red.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(4, 4))

non_con = cart.non_contiguous(position='centroid', size_value=1.0)

gdf.plot(color='w', ax=ax, alpha=0.8, zorder=0,  edgecolor='0', linewidth=0.1, legend=False)
non_con.plot(color='r', ax=ax, edgecolor='0', linewidth=0.1, legend=False)


If run correctly, the following image is produced:

Non-Contiguous Cartogram of Population of Countries in the UK

Further details on the methods included with the Cartogram class can be found here.